Kayak Milford Sound



Kayak Milford Sound with RealNZ

Don’t just look at Milford Sound. Immerse yourself at sea level on a 4–5-hour kayak journey you will be hard pressed to forget. Our legendary guides will lead you through the Fiord, paddling alongside the natural wonders of Mitre Peak and Pembroke Glacier. Experience Milford’s mighty mountains, cascading waterfalls and maybe encounter the local wildlife on your ventures. An unforgettable experience like no other. 

Roscos Milford Kayaks

We offer a variety of trips suitable for the first-time paddler through to the seasoned kayaker, and we promise you the finest kayak trips on Milford Sound. Let us show you why TripAdvisor consistently rates us the top activity in the sound and why Lonely Planet called us the best way to see Milford!